webag automat
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1. Directory structure

2. Oracle Database

2.1 Database installation
2.2 Configuration parameters
2.3 Automat schema

3. Oracle iAS (Internet Application Server)

3.1 Apache Webserver
3.2 Database Access Descriptor

4. WebAG Automat

4.1 Installation of the database objects
4.2 WebAG Automat configuration
4.3 Background-job

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1. Directory structure

Set up the web system directory structure on the server's hard drive. A sample directory structure as described below is provided on the Automat installation CD in the subdirectory "\automat\webserver". It can be can be transferred over without alteration and stored in any suitably named directory on your hard disk. Simply copy the directory tree under "\automat\webserver" into your subdirectory. Make sure that Windows NT sets the file attributes so that all the files transferred from the CD are "write protected". You can do this using the MS-DOS command "ATTRIB -R /S".

In our sample set up, the subdirectory is called D:\InetOracle. Later the physical directory D:\InetOracle\html is the start of the logical root directory for the HTTP listener.

D:\InetOracle\cgi-bin Executable program that creates the upload mechanism.
D:\InetOracle\html\wt_img The graphics for Automat (e.g. icons for the navigation tree).
D:\InetOracle\html\webname\doc Example of the Home of a web in your Intranet. ("http://www.server.de/webname") and its subsidiary upload directories for external files and graphics.
D:\InetOracle\html\automat This directory contains the webpage "index.html". It redirects to the authoring system. You may have to edit the page and enter your DAD-name.
D:\InetOracle\html\help Online help. Copy all the files from \doc on the CD into this directory.
D:\InetOracle\upload\html Static web pages containing the CGI program error messages.
D:\InetOracle\upload\temp Temporary files containing the CGI program security protocols.

Make sure that on Windows NT servers there is a directory "C:\TMP". This directory is used as an temporary storage area for the upload files by the CGI programs.

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2. Oracle Database

2.1 Database installation

Installation of WebAG Automat requires Oracle database version 10.2 or higher. The installation of the Oracle database is not covered here. You can read about it in the Oracle installation manual. 

Recommended minimum tablespace size:

Tablespace name MB Content
SYSTEM 200 Oracle dictionary, Automat packages
AUTOMAT 200 Automat data
AUTOMAT_LOB 500 Automat BLOB-table for uploaded files
TEMPORARY 50 Temporary sort area

Example for creating the two Automat-tablespaces:

SQL> connect sys as sysdba
SQL> create tablespace automat datafile 'filename' size 200M autoextend on next 20M maxsize 500M;
SQL> create tablespace automat_lob datafile 'filename' size 500M autoextend on next 50M maxsize 1000M;

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2.2 Configuration parameters

Values for the following parameters must be entered in the configuration file "initSID.ora". Speak to your database administrator about these alterations.

Parameter Description
UTL_FILE_DIR = * The Automat packages can be stored and read in every file
directory. If you don not want to set "*" in case of security reasons, you can also enter one UTL_FILE_DIR-parameter for each directory. WebAG Automat needs write privileges for \InetOracle\upload\temp (see 1. Directory structure) and for each web homepage directory.
SHARED_POOL_SIZE = 64000000 64 MB memory used for PL/SQL packages
DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS = 20000 80 MB memory for DB blocks
JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES = 1 For the Automat-workflow background job

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2.3 Automat-Schema

You need to create an installation schema for the WebAG Automat database objects. We suggest the username "webag_automat".

SQL> connect sys

SQL> create user webag_automat
            identified by password
            default tablespace automat
            temporary tablespace temp
            quota unlimited on automat
            quota unlimited on automat_lob;

SQL> grant connect, create procedure to webag_automat;
SQL> grant create any directory, drop any directory to webag_automat;
SQL> grant javasyspriv to webag_automat;
SQL> grant ctxapp to webag_automat;

The WebAG Automat PL/SQL-Packages depend on some SYS-packages. Please grant these execute-privileges to the Automat-schema:

SQL> grant execute on dbms_lock    to webag_automat;
SQL> grant execute on xmlparser    to webag_automat;
SQL> grant execute on xmldom       to webag_automat;
SQL> grant execute on xslprocessor to webag_automat;

The Automat-schema needs EXECUTE-privilege for an Intermedia-package within the schema CTXSYS:

SQL> connect ctxsys
SQL> grant execute on ctx_ddl to webag_automat;

On the Automat-CD there you find the SQL-script check_requirements.sql in the directory \setup . Use this script before installing the new Automat to check if the schema requirements are fullfilled. You will first be prompted for the names of the two Automat-tablespaces. Example:

SQL> connect webag_automat
SQL> @R:\setup\check_requirements.sql

*** WebAG Automat requirements check procedure ***

Please enter the names of the tablespaces
Automat tablespace name> automat
Automat LOB tablespace name> automat_lob

-- ERROR: EXECUTE privilge missing for package DBMS_LOCK.
connect SYS
SQL [SYS]> grant execute on DBMS_LOCK to WEBAG_AUTOMAT;

-- ERROR: EXECUTE privilge missing for package XMLPARSER.
SQL [SYS]> grant execute on XMLPARSER to WEBAG_AUTOMAT;

-- ERROR: EXECUTE privilge missing for package XMLDOM.
SQL [SYS]> grant execute on XMLDOM to WEBAG_AUTOMAT;

-- ERROR: EXECUTE privilge missing for package XSLPROCESSOR.

-- 4 errors found.
-- Please correct the errors before installing WebAG Automat.

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3. Oracle iAS (Internet Application Server)

3.1 Apache Webserver

The Apache webserver configuration is stored in the file $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf. Please backup this file before you start editing. This is a sample configuration. The exact parameter values depend on your filesystem directory structure and your network configuration. Know-how on the Apache webserver configuration is required. Our support support@webag.com will help on request.

The parameter ServerName defines the name of your webserver in the TCP/IP-network:

ServerName www.servername.com

DocumentRoot is the physical directory of your webpages root-directory:

DocumentRoot "D:\InetOracle\html"

This setting enables Apache to execute our upload-cgi-scripts:

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "D:\InetOracle\cgi-bin/"

<Directory "D:\InetOracle\cgi-bin">
   AllowOverride None
   Options None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

3.2 Database Access Descriptor

You need a DAD ("Database Access Descriptor") to enable the Apache module modPLSQL to execute the WebAG Automat PL/SQL-packages. The following example shows how to create a DAD called "automat". In this case the virtual path for the WebAG Automat is "/pls/automat/wt_automat.main".

This configuration is made in the file $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cfg/dads.conf:

<Location /pls/automat>
  SetHandler pls_handler
  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all
  AllowOverride None
  PlsqlDatabaseUsername         webag_automat
  PlsqlDatabasePassword         xxxxxx
  PlsqlDatabaseConnectString    db10
  PlsqlAuthenticationMode       CustomOwa
  PlsqlDocumentTablename        wt_blob
  PlsqlDocumentPath             docs
  PlsqlDocumentProcedure        wt_show.download
  PlsqlNLSLanguage              American_America.AL32UTF8

Virtual path to access the DAD

This sample configuration maps the path to the pl/sql-packages to "/pls/automat".

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4. WebAG Automat

4.1 Installation of the database objects

SQL scripts are started using the Oracle tool "SQL*Plus" to install the Automat database objects (tables, packages etc.). At the highest directory on the Automat installation CD, double click on the command file "setup.bat" to start up the program. This command file starts SQL*Plus 8.1 or higher. If you use anl Oracle 8.0 client on your workstation, use "setup_plus80.bat" instead.

You must now answer the following questions:

Next the SQL script that stores the Automat data model and its stored procedures is started. The configuration tables are filled with standard entries, which must be amended appropriately during the next stage of your installation .

After the installation has been successfully carried out, you must stop and restart OAS to ensure that the selected authorisation system can be initiated.

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4.2 WebAG Automat configuration

Start up the authoring system on "http://www.server.de/automat_db/wt_automat.main". Login as "administrator" using the password "administrator". See the appropriate section of the administration manual for configuration of the global settings and your first web.

The INI file for the upload CGI program must be altered to suit where required if your subdirectory on the web server is not called "D:\InetOracle". This file can be found in your CGI directory. On NT systems it is called "wt_upload.ini", and under UNIX "wt_upload_ini.pl".

There you will find the instruction for implementing your intranet designs in the Automat database (see "Text layouts" and "Homepage Designs" in the administration manual). To get you started, a text layout and a simple home page design is included in the installation routine.

Important: Please ensure that the global setting parameter "OPEN_DOOR" is deleted. This parameter has the effect that every user logging into the authoring system is given the rights associated with a central administrator. The parameter is only there to make initial logging into the system easier.

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4.3 Background-Job

The Automat Workfows need an Oracle-backgroundjob. This jobs runs periodically to load the content of uploaded files into the search index. Click on "System / General / Background-jobs" in the Automat-tree to create the background-job. We suggest 5 minutes as the jobs interval.

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