Patch 10.5.2 (2017-03-16)
The auhoring interface had displayed a wrong author name in some cases. Now the Automat displays "(unknown author)" when there is no author stored in the versioning system.
Patch 10.5.1 (2017-01-03)
Cross Site Scripting prevention in wt_show.include_search: Search patterns are now masked in the search result page.
Internal CSV Parser: Improved handling with utf-8 data.
Patch 10.5.0 (2016-12-29)
Responsive webdesign for the standard login-form and for the corresponding forms for changing the password, for requesting a new password and for editing the login alias. The new login-webdesign offers an easy access to the complete login/logout-process on every device with a unique look and feel on desktop browsers as well as on smartphones.
Patch 10.4.3 (2016-09-13)
Improvements in the web-design administration when displaying stencil- and trigger-set html-code.
Patch 10.4.2 (2016-08-26)
This version improves the handling in the authoring system when working with language variants of a webpage:
The "Duplicate page"-function can now duplicate its language variants as well. Until now you had to duplicate the language variants one by one and then you had to assign each of them as language variants.
The function for assigning a language variant from an existing web page no longer shows links to all pages in the database, but only the pages of the current folder. Thus this mask is more convenient for large data volumes. If the desired webpage comes from a different folder, it must first be moved to the destination folder. Moving pages from one folder to another has been improved with patch 10.4.0.
Patch 10.4.1 (2016-08-09)
This version improves the export/import function. You can now create an export completely without base64 encoded BLOBs. The export xml-file contains only the metadata of BLOBs then. If the import software detects that there is no base64 data within the xml-file, it will try to find and copy from the content database by querying then the internal BLOB name. However, this only works if the import runs into the same database from where the export came.
Advantage of the new feature: It is now much easier to duplicate large folder trees or entire webs within an Automat-database because the export file keeps small and handy, even with large amounts of files.
Patch 10.4.0 (2016-07-29)
- Moving and deleting folders and pages has been improved for easier handling in big content databases.
- The function for simultaneous renaming of many objects were removed.
Patch 10.3.0 (2016-06-18)
- Webpage editor: The "Browser server"-Dialog has been improved. Now you can easier navigate to images and link targets even when in forlders with bulks of documents.
- Bugfix: The "Browse Server" dialog could fail when trying to return to a folder that has been deleted by another author.
- Bugfix: Selecting an external file as link target could fail.
- Webdesign administration: Increased internal variable size in oder to avoid NUMERIC OR VALUE errors.
- The textarea input fields in the report system and in the event trigger administration now use a monospaced font.
Patch 10.2.0 (2016-03-25)
- This is a cummulative Patch, it contains the patches 10.1.1 to 10.1.5.
- The patch can be installed on any of the versions 10.1.1 up to 10.1.5.
Patch 10.1.5 (2016-03-25)
- Left panel:
- The link "Reports" has been taken over from the former position in the navigation tree for quicker access.
- The search field has been improved. There are no more line breaks when reducing the frame width.
- Reports:
- The button "Go" has a new label "Neu laden"/"Run" to make clear that the database select will run again when pressed.
- The search input field has a placeholder text now indtead of the label.
Patch 10.1.4 (2016-02-14)
- Bugfix: It is now possible to remove paragraps from pages without stencils.
- The obsolete "Preview"-link has been removed from the folder index.
Patch 10.1.3 (2016-01-04)
- Report-Generator: The report select statement can now end with a semicolon. The report output has an improved style for selects with no data found: No header navigation buttons, no more wrong "page 1 of 0"-output.
- Add a new web: Clicking on "Add new web" now shows a confirmation page in order to prevent creating unwanted webs.
Patch 10.1.2 (2015-12-27)
- Bugfix wt_automat.main-parameter: wt_automat.main can be invoked with a text_id or folder_id. This function had been removed by mistake in release 10.0.0:
- wt_automat.main?p_text_id=nnn
- wt_automat.main?p_folder_id=nnn
- Improved page-address information in tab "Info":
- Internal technical url: wt_show.text_page?p_text_id=....
- Files: /<owa>/docs/blobname.ext
- Friendly url: /cms/name.html
Patch 10.1.1 (2015-10-09)
- A stencil field could run into errors when it was near to 32 kb large. From now the editor does not crash any more. Automat only masks the textarea tag to enable the editor to load the content into the editor input field.
Patch 10.1.0 (2015-10-03)
- Verbesserungen für Oracle XE Datenbanken:
WebAG Automat erkennt, ob eine Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in der Datenbank vorhanden ist und blendet andernfalls (z.B. in Oracle XE-Datenbanken) die beiden einzigen Automat-Funktionen aus, die ohne JVM nicht funktionieren. Abgeschaltet werden
- der Zugriff auf externe Dateien. In den meisten Automat-Projekten wird der Zugriff auf externe Dateiverzeichnisse nicht benötigt, weil alle Webseiten, PDF-Dokumente und Grafiken in der Automat-Datenbank gespeichert werden.
- der Grafik-Editor. Sie müssen mit Oracle XE Ihre Bilder vor dem Upload in die Automat-Datenbank bearbeiten
- Installation ohne Oracle Fusion Middleware:
Der WebAG Automat muss ab dieser Version nicht mehr mit Oracle's Fusion Middleware betrieben werden. Sie können stattdessen einen Standard Apache Webserver installieren und die Verbindung zur Oracle Datenbank mit mod_owa herstellen, einer OpenSource-Alternative zu Oracle's mod_PLSQL. Infos zu mod_owa:
- Die Installationsvariante mit Oracle XE, Apache und mod_owa ermöglicht den Betrieb des WebAG Automat ohne Oracle Software Lizenzkosten. Hintergrund: Oracle hat im September 2015 angekündigt, die preiswerte und für Automat-Installationen beliebte Datenbank-Lizenz "Standard Edition One" nicht weiter zu vertreiben und durch die neue, wesentlich teurere "Standard Edition 2" zu ersetzen. Infos der DOAG (Deutsche Oracle Anwendergruppe) dazu.
- Verbesserte Flex-Report-Generator: Reports können jetzt ohne Sortierspalte und -Richtung eingegeben werden. Solche Reports sortieren nach der ORDER BY-Clause im zugrunde liegenden SELECT-Statement. Vorteil: Sortierung ueber mehrere Spalten sind damit möglich
Release 10.0.0 (2015-09-14)
- Neues Design für das Autorensystem mit zwei Panels auf der linken Seite
- Neuer Webseiten-Editor
- Mehr Komfort beim Datei-Upload
- Mehr Komfort bei großen Datenmengen
- Anbindung an Single Sign-On-Systeme
- Viele weitere Verbesserungen und Korrekturen.
Details und Screenshots zu den neuen Funktionen 
Patch 9.0.10 (2015-03-25)
- Verbesserung im Mail-API: wt_mail.begin_mail() kann mit dem neuen Parameter i_mime_type aufgerufen werden.
Patch 9.0.9 (2015-01-20)
- Der Flex-Report-Generator kann nur Zellen ausgeben, deren Inhalt bis zu 4000 Zeichen lang ist. Die alte Grenze war 1000 Zeichen.
Patch 9.0.8 (2015-01-09)
- Bugfix: Nach den Webseiten-Aktionen "Schablone zuweisen" und "Gültigkeit ändern" konnte es passieren, dass danach in Versionsverwaltung ein falscher Autor für die Webseiten-Änderung angezeigt wurde. Der Fehler führte ebenfalls dazu, dass im Autorensystem u.U. eine falsche Warnung "Achtung: Diese Seite wurde gleichzeitig von xyz geändert" angezeigt wurde.
Patch 9.0.7 (2014-11-14)
- Verbesserungen in der Kategorien- und Klassifizierungen-Verwaltung: Eingabemaske verbessert, Möglichkeit zur Eingabe einer Beschreibung für jede Klassifizierung
- Korrektur im Garbage-Collector der Automat-Suchmaschine
Patch 9.0.6 (2014-11-06)
- Ergänzung zu Patch 9.0.3: Weitere IE11-Kompatibilitäts-Anpassungen.
Patch 9.0.5 (2014-09-23)
- Die Filer-Erweiterung wurde offiziell in den Automat übernommen. Mit dem Filer kann ein Automat-Web über eine FTP-artige Oberfläche mit Dateien befüllt werden. Dabei werden die Automat- und Leserechte des Automat berücksichtigt.
Patch 9.0.4 (2014-09-17)
- Mail-API: SMTP-Server-Zugriff mit Username/Password. Mit den neuen globalen Parametern SMTP_USERNAME und SMTP_PASSWORD (Tabelle WT_ENV) kann der Administrator konfigurieren, dass der Versand vom E-Mail mit Authentifizierung durchgeführt wird.
Patch 9.0.3 (2014-09-02)
- Webseiteneditor: Die Seiten des Automat-Autorensystems erhalten einen Meta-Tag, um IE11 in den IE9-Modus zu zwingen. Grund: Mit IE11 funktioniert der integrierte FCKEditor nicht. Offenbar hat FCK Probleme damit, dass IE11 nicht mehr "IE" in den User Agent String schreibt. Ab Automat 10 mit dem neuen CKEditor klappt es ohne Meta-Tag auch mit IE11.
Patch 9.0.2 (2014-06-25)
- Im Schablonen-Editor kann man mit dem Schalter PROPS=HIDDEN dafür sorgen, dass der Inhalt des Schablonen-Eingabefeldes nur in der Autorenansicht zu sehen ist. Auf den Webseiten ist er für Besucher der Website nicht zu sehen.
Patch 9.0.1 (2013-10-13)
- Optimierung der Ausgabe von Webseiten ohne Schablone
- Schablonen-Editor-Symbole mit CSS formatieren
- HTML-Editor: Unerwünschten HTML-Code erausfiltern mit EDIT_MODE="SIMPLE" und REMOVE_HTML_CODE="TRUE"
- Verbesserung der Design-Administration
- Seiten aufrufen mit UTL_HTTP aus dem Automat-Schema heraus
- XML-API Bugfix
Details zu den neuen Funktionen 
Release 9.0.0 (2012-12-28)
- Export/Import-Funktion für Ordnerbäume
- Interaktive Includes: Formulareingaben aus AUTOMAT_INCLUDEs zurück an die Webseite übergeben
- Auslieferung im offenen PL/SQL-Quellcode
Details zu den neuen Funktionen 
Release 8.0.0 (2012-01-09)
- Einführung des Flex-Report-Generators zur einfachen Erstellung von Tabellen-Berichten aus SQL SELECT-Statements.
- Funktion zur Übergabe von eigenen Variablen an Automat-Webseiten
- Webseiten-Editor kann optional ohne Javascript-Unterstützung als Textarea aufgerufen werden
- Verbessertes Webdesign des Autorensystems
- Die Suchmaschine indiziert die eindeutige Seitennummer TEXT_ID
- Neues PL/SQL-E-Mail-API zum Versenden von formatierten HTML-Mails und Mail-Anhängen
- Auslagerung aller Java-Stored-Procedures in ein neues PL/SQL-Package, damit der Automat mit geringen Anpassungen auch in einer Oracle-Express-Datenbank laufen kann
- Altes XML-Formularsystem WT_FORM wird nur noch optional im linken Navigationsbaum angezeigt.
Details und Screenshots zu den neuen Funktionen 
Release 7.1.1 (2011-06-17)
- Improved version-comparison, now also for uploaded textfiles
- Improved browser-recognition for the access-tracking-system
Details and Screenshots on the new functions 
Release 7.1.0 (2011-02-25)
- Read privileges on folders as preset for new pages
- Grant read privileges to users and/or groups
- Save changed privileges for existing objects:
- all documents in the folder
- all sub-folders
- all documents in sub-folders
- Folder read privilges replace the old "default read privilege"Ordner-Leserechte lösen das bisherige "Standard-Leserecht"
- More detailled authoring privileges
- The privileges "Insert/Delete documents and folders" have been splitted into:
- Insert documents
- Delete documents
- Insert subfolders
- Delete subfolders
- Improved user-interface
- New icons for documents in order to to visualize password-secured and deactivated pages
- Support for all current browser-versions
- New event-trigger for own PL/SQL-operations when showing a page:
- URLs for images
- Images change their filename-url (format .../Fnnnn/ssss.gif) on each new version, because proxys should not send an old version to the browser.
- Bugfixes:
- Now you can grant authoring privileges to groups on the root folder-level
- When uploading a new file into the automat database you had to leave the checkbox "Publish automatically" activated, because otherwise in some case the document had not been stored
- The webpage editor default settings where malformed. Thus the color selector did not offer colors.
- Defect link to the page statistic in the authoring system
- Since webag automat 7.0 empty paragraph headers have been filled wrong with " "
- The wizard to choose an image or a hypelink target could not select filenames longer than 60 characters when containing special characters.
Details and Screenshots on the new functions 
Release 7.0.0 (2010-03-20)
- New Image-editor with the functions:
- Change size
- Compress
- Rectangle crop
- Change brightness and contrast
- Rotate any degree left/right
- Mirror horizontal and vertical
- Undo each step
- Improved webpage-editor
- Insert Flash-elements
- create div-blocks
- Show blocks. Visualized the blocks-borders (DIV, P, H1, H2 etc.) within your editor-window.
- Maximize editor window to use the complete available space in your browser window.
- Editor-customization for administrators
- Edit the javascript-code that launches the editor
- New design for the authoring system
- More precise access statistics
- Mask IP-Adressen before storing them
- System messages are displayed at the footer line for administrators
- Encrypted passwords are now stored in a RAW datatype instead of VARCHAR2. This avoids nls-problems when exporting/importing the automat-database.
- Improvements in the internal Workflow-System.
Details and Screenshots on the new functions 
Release 6.4.0 (2009-10-26)
- Version management: Exact html-code comparison
- Login alias:
- User can define an own login-alias in order to login with the alias instead of the username.
- This feature can be switched off using the new global parameter LOGON_ALIAS_ALLOWED = 0
- User administration:
- The administrator can change the new login-alias for of a user - even if the use of aliases is switched off with LOGON_ALIAS_ALLOWED = 0. Thus you can first prepare a list of aliases before activating them.
- The Automat now saves the user's last activity date and displays the date in the user administration.
- The administrator can download a complete user-list with the columns username, full name. email-address, last activity date and user-id, formatted as an html-page or an Excel-spreadsheet.
- Design-control:
- AUTOMAT_TRIGGER-Tags can bee used within stencils
- New attribute IF in AUTOMAT_TRIGGER-Tags. The attributes is for boolean PL/SQL expressions.
- Event-triggers:
- Enhance the automat's functionality with own PL/SQL-functions
- System messages
- New search-function
- New "Session started"-messages also for users who are logged in with a persistant cookie ("remember me ...")
Details and Screenshots on the new functions 
Patch 6.3.2 (2009-01-04)
- Access tracking: Improved crawler-recognition.
Patch 6.3.1 (2008-12-05)
- Cookie-Login
- authorization has been lost when switching to a user-friendly-url
- Access tracking
- The Yahoo-crawler is now ignored like the crawlers from other search-engines
- The visitors-report now displays more than 100 visitors per day with previous/next-links in 100-visitors-steps.
Release 6.3.0
- Access statistics with detailled reports
- Last visitors
- Page ranking
- Details per page (month / day)
- Daily report
- Monthly report
- Yearly report
- Track references from automat pages to external files on the webserver
- No more size limitation for the stencil html-code
- German/English language switch for the search-form and the default index/sitemap-pages
- The webpage-editor uses the whole availyble screen-size
- Improved dialogs to create new pages and upload files into the automat database
- Optionally duplicate current page to create language variant
Release 6.2.0
- New Cookie-login
- Uses can stay connected when closing and restarting the browser
- Uses can log of and remove the cookie
- Password forgotten? Users can request a new passwaord via email
- System messages
- Start triggers within the stencil-code by entering the triggerset-name instead of the triggerset-id. Now it is easier to move the design from a test- to a productive-system
- Improved webpge-editor
Release 6.1.0
- Assign mutliple categories to a webpage
- New privilege "Grant authoring-privileges to other users" lets authors act like a webmaster restricted to a folder-tree. Authors with this privilege have the right to grant authoring-privileges to other users within the folder-tree.
- Create sub-administrators for the tasks "User-administration" and "Webdesign-administration" with the new user-parameters "ADMIN_USER" and "ADMIN_DESIGN".
- User-Administrators have the right to invoke the user- and group-administration. They can create, modify or delete users, groups and the user/group assignments. They are not able to modify or appoint any kind of administrators.
- Webdesign-Administrators have the right work on HTML-Triggers, Stencils, Textlayouts and Homepagedesigns.
Release 6.0.0
- Introduction of the new WYSIWYG webpage editor. Now the athors can write and format webpages just like using a word processor.
- Friendly URLs: A small webserver-configuration change lets you call automat webpages with a simple, user-friendly URL like "pagename.html" or "<text_id>.html" instead of the conventional URL ".../wt_show.text_page?p_text_id=nnnn&...". Examples:
- is equivalent to the Automat-page named "pagename".
- is equivalent to the Automat page with TEXT_ID 12345. This is the userfriendly format for pages without a name given by the author.