WebAG Automat 6.4

Dokumentation Overview
Copyright © Enterprise Web AG.

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Release Notes
October 2009


1. WebAG Automat 6.4 - What is new?

1.1 Version management
1.2 Login alias
1.3 User administration
1.4 Design-control with IF-clauses
1.5 Event-triggers
1.6 System messages
1.7 Access statistics
1.8 Further improvements
1.9 Resolved issues

2. Installation

2.1 Installation Requirements
2.2 Upgrade to Release 4.3 – Installation Instructions
2.3 WebAG Automat - New Installation

1. WebAG Automat Release 6.4 - What is new?

1.1 Version management

The versions of a page can be compared more detailed. Prior to Automat 6.4 you could merely recognise that a complete paragraph has been changed. in the display of the changes between two versions that a whole paragraph had been changed.


1.2 Login alias

Users can define their own login alias names to log in using the alias instead of the username. The users benefit is that they can log in with a familar name, because often the username is a generated string.

Administrators can switch off the feature by setting the new global parameter LOGON_ALIAS_ALLOWED to "0".


1.3 User administration

The administrator can change the new login-alias for of a user - even if the use of aliases is switched off with LOGON_ALIAS_ALLOWED = 0. Thus you can first prepare a list of aliases before activating them.

The Automat now saves the user's last activity date and displays the date in the user administration.

The administrator can download a complete user-list with the columns username, full name. email-address, last activity date and user-id, formatted as an html-page or an Excel-spreadsheet.


1.4 Design-control with IF-clauses

With <AUTOMAT_TRIGGER>-XML-tags have been used to fade in/out parts of the source code in your html-triggers.Therefore you defined the attributes SHOW/HIDE="YES" together with one of the attributes  MLC_LANG_CODE, CATEGORY_ID or CLASSIFICATION_ID. You could not use AUTOMAT_TRIGGER-tags in stencils, because therefore we recommended to create different stencils.

Now you can use AUTOMAT_TRIGGER-tags even in stencils. This reduces the number of required stencils and the stencil-code will be more compact.

The AUTOMAT_TRIGGER funcionality has been enhanced with the new "IF"-attribute. This attribute holds boolean expressions in PL/SQL-syntax, returning TRUE or FALSE. Example:


Explanation: The html-code tenclosed by the AUTOMAT_TRIGGER-tag is visible (SHOW=“YES“) when the IF-clause retures TRUE. Before parsing the IF-clause PL/SQL-code the Automat replaces the $-variables, so an english pages would get the IF-clause "en" = "de" which returns FALSE. The result is that the enclosed html-code will only be visible in german pages.

The most important benefit is the flexibility for software developers. You can write boolean PL/SQL-functions and uses them in your web-design. Example:
<AUTOMAT_TRIGGER SHOW="YES" IF="is_important_page(i_text_id => '$TEXT_ID')">

In this example your functions decides whether to fade in oder fade out the enclosed html-code. An ELSE-branch can easily be implemented using the PL/SQL-keyword NOT. Example:

<AUTOMAT_TRIGGER SHOW="YES" IF="NOT (is_important_page(i_text_id => '$TEXT_ID'))">

Restriction: You cannot wrap AUTOMAT_TRIGGER-Tags around stencil-input-areas (AUTOMAT_STENCIL-tags).


1.5 Event-triggers

With Event-triggers deveopers can enhance the Automat's functionality. You can write event-triggers to start before or after one of the pre-defined events. This Automat-release starts with tree trigger-types:

Event-triggers are administered in the left navigation tree under "System / General / Event-triggers". An event-trigger is defines by entering a name and the PL/SQL-code. We recommen to enter just a PL/SQL-function call into the textarea and to implement the comprehensive functionality in your own package.

You can use the well-known $-variables within the trigger's PL/SQL-code like $WEB_ID, $TEXT_ID etc. As an exmple you can write an IF-clause that limits the trigger to fire only for a specific $WEB_ID.

There is no limitation on the number of triggers for an event-type. The fire in the order of their names, so use the names to control the order of your triggers.


1.6 System messages

You can now filter the system messages report with search patterns.

The new message „Session started by user ...“ tells you when a user has been started a session. Prior to Automat 6.4 you could not see the users activity when the user had a permanent cookie authorization.


1.7 Access statistics

There are new reports to print the requests per page grouped by month or by year.

The search engin crawler filters have been improved to eliminate crawler-requests from the statistics.


1.8 Further improvements


1.9 Resolved issues



2. Installation

2.1 Installation Requirements


Authoring workstation


2.2 Upgrade to Release 6.0 - Installation Instructions

1. Log off users
To do so, we would recommend closing down the Apache Web Server for the duration of the installation.

2. Backup
Before conducting the upgrade, back up your Automat database and the Automat Web Server folders. During the migration of the Automat 4.1.1 data model to the new Automat 4.2 data model a number of new tables are created and others are modified.

3. Install software
Double-click on the command file upgrade.bat at the topmost level of the CD. This script starts the Oracle tool SQL *Plus. Answer the questions about the connect routine to your Automat scheme and about the Oracle RDBMS version you are using. This automatically starts the relevant SQL scripts. Next check the log files in the folder C:\Temp.

The installation-procedure starts with an Automat-schema requirements-check. If the check encounters errors ist will print the SQL-statements necessary to correct each error. Run the correction-statements using SQL*Plus and restart the upgrade-commandfile upgrade.bat then.

4. Update Automat Online Help
The Online Help files need to be replaced by the latest version in the \doc folder on the installation CD. The URL of the virtual web server path to the Help files can be found in the global settings parameters “HELPFILE_…” Copy all the files from the CD folder \doc to this destination.     
C:\> COPY  R:\doc\*.*  D:\InetOracle\html\help

5. Start Webserver
Now can restart the Apache webserver.

6. Check Workflow Background Job
The Automat workflows need an Oracle background job. This jobs has to load upload files into the search engine. Check if the job is running and (if not) restart it using the left Automat tree "System / General / Background jobs". A good job-repeat-interval is 5 minutes.


2.3 WebAG Automat - New Installation

The installation of a new WebAG Automat system is described in detail in the Installation Guide.


WebAG Automat Dokumentation
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