WebAG Automat 4.1.0

Documentation Overview
Copyright © Enterprise Web AG.

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Release Notes
September 14, 2002

Table of Contents


WebAG Automat Release 4.1.0 – What Is New?

New Formatting Feature

The WebAG Authoring System now allows the word-based formatting of Automat web pages with images, hyperlinks and custom-defined format tags.

For the first time, it is now possible to format a web page independently of a specific browser and without a Java applet or ActiveX component, making use of all the available design elements. No HTML knowledge is required, and you can create attractive pages in no time at all.

The required format tags are provided and managed by a central administrator. Changes to tags automatically affect all the web pages on which they are used.

The new feature is consistent with the philosophy of WebAG Automat, whereby content and layout are kept separate. Word-based formatting rounds off the conventional text layout principle, giving greater scope to the individual author.

Make sure you also read the following documents:

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Enhancement of the Form Engine

HIDDEN Fields, ON_CHANGE Attribute

The processing of form input is greatly helped by HIDDEN fields and the ON_CHANGE attribute.

HIDDEN fields allow you to transport details that cannot be viewed by the user.

The ON_CHANGE attribute permits you to use your own PL/SQL procedures. These are executed after the validation and sending of input. This makes it possible, for instance, to assign automatic default input to other fields, depending on previously entered details.

Pop-up and Pop-in Modes

In previous versions a small browser window would pop up whenever you clicked on a form field in order to enter details. You then entered your input in this pop-up window (pop-up mode).

As an alternative, the form driver now also permits pop-in mode. This means that, instead of opening an input window, the input field is loaded into the main window after you have clicked on it.

Trigger Variable $FORM_CONTAINER_ID

The formatting of forms with HTML trigger sets is simplified by the new trigger variable $FORM_CONTAINER_ID. Hyperlinks and calls of AUTOMAT_INCLUDEs can be parametricized with the unique ID of the currently displayed form input data. This makes it possible to integrate your own help and form description texts or to implement form processing functions, such as special print output.

Please also note the following documents on the Form System:

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Expansion of Dynamic Automat Enhancement (“Tools”)

As well as integrating your own applications into the “Tools” branch of the Automat navigation tree, you can now integrate applications into the menus of each Automat module.

The newly added dropdown menu Context provides the following positions for custom applications, in addition to the navigation tree:

Each menu can be associated with authorities, so that they can only be viewed by central webmasters or authors.

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Installation Requirements


Authoring workstation

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Upgrade to Release 4.1.0 – Installation Instructions

1. Log off users
To do so, we would recommend closing down the Apache Web Server for the duration of the installation.

2. Backup
Before conducting the upgrade, back up your Automat database and the Automat Web Server folders. During the migration of the Automat 4.0 data model to the new Automat 4.1 data model a number of new tables are created and others are deleted.

3. Install software
Double-click on the command file
upgrade.bat at the topmost level of the CD. This script starts the Oracle tool SQL *Plus 8.1. Answer the questions about the connect routine to your Automat scheme and about the Oracle RDBMS version you are using. This automatically starts the relevant SQL scripts. Next check the log files in the folder C:\Temp.

4. Update Automat Online Help
The Online Help files need to be replaced by the latest version in the
\doc folder on the installation CD. The URL of the virtual web server path to the Help files can be found in the global settings parameters “HELPFILE_…” Copy all the files from the CD folder \doc to this destination.     
C:\> COPY  R:\doc\*.*  D:\InetOracle\html\help

5. Copy Automat images
Copy the images for WebAG Automat to your web server folder “\wt_img”. You can overwrite the existing files in this folder.           
C:\> COPY   R:\automat\webserver\html\wt_img\*.*  D:\InetOracle\html\wt_img


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WebAG Automat – New Installation

The installation of a new WebAG Automat system is described in detail in the Installation Guide.


WebAG Automat Documentation
© Enterprise Web AG.
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